Air pollution control
Kogi Environmental Solutions, founded in 1968, was the first distributor of SmogHogs in the United States. We were known as Diversified Equipment then and we only sold and serviced electrostatic precipitators in North Carolina. Today, we sell and service every make and model of mist and dust collector under the sun. No one has been at this longer than we have. We’ll help you cut through the complexity and deliver an integrated system tailored to your specific needs.

- Oil and mist collectors
- Dust collectors
- Ducting
- Nitrogen generators
- Air compressors and dryers
- Vehicle exhaust systems
- Blast rooms
- Finite filters
- HVAC filters
- BHA filters
- After-market replacement parts
- Detergent

- OEM certified technicians
- Air quality monitoring
- OSHA compliance
- Baghouse service
- Electric motor repair
- Fan balancing
- Installation services
- Delegated design services
- Duct design
- Kitchen emission systems
Air pollution control
Today our application specialists work on about 100 projects per year, from state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities to woodworking hobbyists in their garage.